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Nusic Podcast #139,Nusic
With The Mocking Jays, Lone, Alex Wright, Bru-C, Tiger, Vega Bay, Cherry Hex and The Dream Church, Jimi Mack, Trekkah feat. Bud and loads more
Nusic Podcast #138,Nusic
Hockley Hustle 2016 is almost upon us, get your ears wrapped around this podcast for a host of bands who will be giving it some on the day
Sound of the Lion #51,Sound of The Lion
With Seas of Mirth, Zaim, One Giant Causeway, Kretchmer, Mammoths, Deafenese, Brooders, On The Open Road, and Lone
Nusic Podcast #137,Nusic
With Youthoracle, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Twin Kidd, The Mocking Jays, Hhymn, Bru-C, Arc Nade, Raphael Blake and more
Nusic Podcast #136,Nusic
With Trekkah, Bud, Bru-C, Joseph Knight, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Rezzonator, K.Ji, Ashfields, Roe Green, Aye Nizzy, and loads more
Sound of the Lion #50,Sound of The Lion
With Alice Short, Three Body Trio, Bud, Dirty Scroungin' Bastards, Rattle, Moscow Circus, Neil Ward, Ski, and Blaklava
Nusic #60,Nusic
Lots of Mansfield love and a look forward to the weekend ahead with Amazement and Macmillan Fest
Poddingham Presents... Nina Smith,Poddingham
An early Christmas present for you all, courtesy of the Poddingham team
199 results