Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes

Friday 25 October 2024

At Djanogly Theatre

Price £19.5
Times 20:00 - 21:50

Phil McIntyre Live Ltd 

1 hour 50 minutes including interval 

Suitable for ages 16+ 

Advice: Contains strong language 


Jokes, rants, politics, play and the occasional sing song. 

In his time Mark has won awards, forced a politician to resign, changed laws on tax and protest, become a Guinness Book of Records world record holder for the number of protests in 24 hours, taken the police to court three times and won, walked the length of the Israeli Wall in the West Bank and generally mucked about trying to have fun and f*** the right people off. This show is more of the same.

Mark Thomas Gaffa Tape-114354.jpg (1)

University of Nottingham, Lakeside Arts Centre, University Boulevard

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