Want to write for a specific section of the magazine? Want us to review your music, restaurant, theatre production, or book?
Contact the relevant section editor directly - their emails are below:
Art Editor
George Dunbar (art@leftlion.co.uk)
Fashion Editor
Addie Kenogbon (fashion@leftlion.co.uk)
Food Editors
Julia Head and Lucy Campion (food@leftlion.co.uk)
Music Co-Editors
Karl Blakesley and Phil Taylor (music@leftlion.co.uk)
Stage (includes Theatre, Dance and Comedy) Editors
Ian C. Douglas (ian@leftlion.co.uk) and Dom Henry (dom.henry@leftlion.co.uk)
Screen (includes Film, TV and Video Games) Editors
Autumn Parker & Sofia Jones (screen@leftlion.co.uk)
Photography Editors
Fabrice Gagos (fabrice.gagos@leftlion.co.uk) and Dani Bacon (photography@leftlion.co.uk)
Literature Editor
Andrew Tucker (literature@leftlion.co.uk)
Environment Editor
Adam Pickering and Eleanor Flowerday (environment@leftlion.co.uk)
History Editor
CJ DeBarra (history@leftlion.co.uk)
Got a different request? Then fill out the form below to contact us.