"We're ready to party! Expect us to give you a live show with a whole load of shouting and probably a few beers to wash it down with"

They’ve been with Nottingham’s Dealmaker Records since the beginning, but up until now BluMonkey have perhaps been as legendary for their drunkenness as their music. The crew is made up of three wordsmiths (Blugrass, Monkey D and Mr Jones) and a DJ (Johnny Crump). This year, however, seems to have signal something of a change in the attitudes of front men Blugrass (aka Luke) and Monkey D (aka Dave). Will this be the year they get all serious and grown-up? We put some questions to the due to find out more…
Where did you start out in music?
Blugrass: I started out playing in bands back in college. I was working on some beats with another rapper under the banner of Shadow Soldiers. Then I joined a rap/metal band called Phunkfish, which lead to collaboration with Non-Thespian and Dwyz. It was a while after that and working on various projects that BluMonkey came about.
Monkey D: Sleeping on Ste (Dealmaker) and Blu’s couch in the Meadows, one thing led to another and I was jamming with the Lyricist Hobos, a Nottingham collective started by the 18Stone crew.
What’s your favourite of your own tracks?
Blugrass: Personally I like 15 Minutes still which is one of the first tracks we ever did. The chorus came about when me an Monkey D were talking about those times in the clubs when you can’t seem to recall anything for the last fifteen minutes, usually due to excessive amounts of booze.
Monkey D: Mine has to be PubLife from our up and coming album cause when we play it live we can connect with the crowd and have a bit of a boozy do.
If you could get anyone in to play with you, who would you choose?
Monkey D: That’s a difficult one because there’d be so many. But if we had to choose someone who’s popped up in Nottingham lately its The Sultans of Ping. We’ve been singing their songs since back in the day!
Blugrass: I’m with him on that one… unless we can get Jimi Hendrix on stage. Not sure how it would work, but it would be bad!
What can people expect from the show at the Orange Tree?
Blugrass: We’re ready to party!! Expect us to give you a live show with a whole load of shouting and probably a few beers to wash it down with.
Monkey D: And then a few more beers.
What do you listen to on the stereo at home?
Blugrass: I listen to a big range of stuff. Now I got an IPod I’ve started getting loads of albums even if I don’t want them. It means I can stick stuff on and have a listen to it when normally I wouldn’t. I’ve mainly been listening the new Foreign Beggars album.
Monkey D: Big range of business… currently it moves between ‘Immortal Technique’ and my collection of old ska records with a little bit of soul in between.
What are your favourite hangouts in Nottingham?
Blugrass: It was Muse until Monks had a decrepency with the doorman. I reckon now I’m quite happy hanging out anywhere. Wherever theres a bunch of people I get on with, some good tunes playing and a bar that serves until late.
Monkey D: Same as… good people and Deuchers on tap. Also somewhere I can smoke.
Who are the best upcoming hiphop talents in Nottingham?
Monkey D: Nottingham’s not just about hiphop. Shouts to Old Basford, Highness and everyone still repping Notts.
Blugrass: Hard to say really with so much going on. We’re pretty hot right now and so are the people we hang out with! We’ve also got to give a shout to Kids in Tracksuits and Lost Projects.
What was the last album that you bought?
Blugrass: The new Foreign Beggars album.
Monkey D: Not really an album, but I bought a big plastic bag full of old 7” vinyl from Duke 01’s mum. They’re hot!
What was the last book you read?
Monkey D: Does reading the questions for this interview count?
Blugrass: No.
Who’s your favourite famous monkey?
D: Not really a monkey but it has to be Clyde from Every Which Way But Loose.
Blugrass: Yeah, he was a cool monkey.
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Blugrass: Talking about Clyde drinking beer and hitting people.
What was the last thing that made you cry?
Monkey D: Being hit by a monkey that talked and drank beer.
What is coming up for you over the next year?
Blugrass: We're looking to do as many live shows as possible and try and work our way around the UK as well as Notts. We’ve got an album coming out around the time of the gig with Leftlion, so we’re busy working on that until then.
Monkey D: Word to the up and coming album, its taken a lot of blood, sweat and beers but its in the safe hands of the infamous Viet Cong studios at the moment so we’ll see what happens in the future.
Anything else you want to say to LeftLion readers?
Blugrass: Shout to all the people supporting us and who we’ve supported. Come see us at the Orange Tree! One Love.
Monkey D: Don’t get your dick out in the kitchen when it's on fire. Peace!
BluMonkey play LeftLion Presents at the Orange Tree on Saturday 3 March 2007.
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