Interview: The Klaxons

Sunday 01 April 2007
reading time: min, words

"I don’t want to see the towns really. Horrible. Every town in the UK."


Pounced on by the NME within a year of formation, recent tours have seen The Klaxons spearheading the paper’s sellout ‘Indie Rave’ tour. By chance we caught them outside Stealth between soundchecks...

You guys look pretty knackered, is the hotel lifestyle taking its toll?
James: Yep, don’t have a home. Disgusting.
Jamie: I feel like Alan Partridge.

Heavy. Where did you all start out?
James: 2005? November? In Deptford, used to
be the home nest.
Jamie: The nest!
Simon: We miss it dearly.
James: Biggest mistake ever leaving Deptford...

Of all the tunes the fans shake a glowstick to what would be your favourite?
Jamie: I love Magick. Magick’s massive. It chops and changes though, depends on the tide.
What would be your favourite tune full stop? The kind of thing you’d play at your funeral...
James: Don’t Stop Me Now.
Simon: That’s dark. Fucking listening to Queen in a pub is bad enough, let alone when you’re dead.
Of all the places you’ve been touring and staying what’s your favourite so far?
Jamie: That fucking dark place. What’s it called? In Manchester.
Simon: Ah, the Brittania in Manchester.
Jamie: If you’re really up for prostitutes.
Simon: Prostitutes in the lobby, it’s a dark dark place.
Jamie: A massive hotel, with chandeliers.
James: They have rooms above a club which plays until 2am.
So that’s your least favourite hotel. What’s your favourite venue? 
All: The Brittania! (laughter)
James: Sheffield, the lovely Novotel and the Leadmill.
Simon: I’d say that venue in Leeds as there is no barrier between us and the crowd.

If you could get any band or artist to play in with you, who would you have?
James: Shit Disco.
Jamie: Datarock.
Simon: Nirvana.
James: Yeah, Nirvana, back from the dead. (murmured agreement)

What can the fluorescent clad hordes expect from your live show?
Jamie: Enjoyment!
James: 10 songs!
Simon: 9 songs, cos we’re lazy bastards. (laughter)

What are you listening to at the moment?
Jamie: I miss my home! I miss my stereo.
Simon: A band called WZT Hearts. Crystal Meth Noise Music.

Where do you like to hang out when you’re not on the road?
Simon: I miss hanging out. We don’t have time to hang out.
James: Ahhh man, we used to hang out in this bar in London called the Old Blue Last.

So if you could have a week off?
James: Straight to the Old Blue Last! (laughter)

What was the last book you read?
Jamie: Oooh, not much shit in books!
Simon: J G Ballard’s Kingdom Come

What have you got coming up this year?
James: Big tours. Big plans, big ideas. We’re touring up till Christmas 2007. At least.
Simon: All round Europe, America
Jamie: Japan and Australia.
James: Everywhere.
Simon: Can’t complain man.
Do you like to camp out in the hotel when you go places or do you like to get out and explore?
James: I don’t want to see the towns really. Horrible. Every town in the UK.
Simon: Like a blanket of simulation. Laid over. Middle Earth. (laughter)

Do you prefer the foreign tours?
James: I think so.
Jamie: I love my hotels. I love the English crowds though.
Simon: I prefer the English crowds.
James: It’s good when you go and its starting again. I get more excited when I’m going abroad. Free holiday, different surroundings.

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