LeftLion Magazine #16

Sunday 01 April 2007
reading time: min, words

Featuring the new Market Square, Neon Heights, This Is England, The Klaxons, You Slut!, Old Basford, Wutan Kung Fu, MySpace, Lucy Porter and more.

LeftLion Magazine - Issue 16
April - May 2007

May Contain Notts

This bi-month's news

Pictures of lovely, lovely Nottingham

A Canadian in New Basford
The debut mag column from our Resident CanAlien

The New Old Market Square
After years of having a building site in the middle of town, the Square was back - and in case you forgot, we gave you...

Ten Reasons Why Slab Square Is Skill

From the days when MySpace was actually considered cutting-edge

As High As Wutan Gets
Local chop-socky action

Neon Heights
Your neighbourhood funky technicians

LeftLion Presents
Model Morning, The Stiff KittensBlack Vinyl Heart, You Slut!, Liam Bailey and The Dead City Presidents

The Klaxons
We caught them in the beer garden of the Rescue Rooms

The Magic Numbers
They loitered about in the Square this month

Chris Holmes
The man behind the one and only Castle Rock Brewery

Lucy Porter
Fresh from supporting Puppetry Of The Penis

This Is England
A preview of the next Shane Meadows film

Andrew Shim & Vicky McClure
On This Is England

The Maze
...celebrated its 10th birthday with a new managament team

The Arthole
Plus Notts Trumps and Rocky Horrorscopes



We have a favour to ask

LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

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