LeftLion Magazine #22

Tuesday 01 April 2008
reading time: min, words

Featuring Gay Nottingham, the Fish Man, Sorrel Muggridge, Public Enemy, Reverend Car Bootleg, Nicola Monaghan and loads more.

LeftLion Magazine - Issue 22
April - May 2008
8000 copies distributed in the city of Nottingham

May Contain Notts
A non-stop barrage of newsy chelp

The crispiest image-cobs from our visual snap tin

Gay Up Me Duck
Gay Notts: it's much bigger than NG1...

A Canadian in New Basford
Our Rob gazes upon the dread visage of Nottingham's only goth plumber

Prawn Star
Finally - an exclusive one-on-one with The Fish Man

What D'you Think You're Looking At?
Sorrel Muggridge - local artist with long-range vision.

Sprats Entertainment
The return of Wholesome Fish

More Ice-T, Vicar?
The incomparable Reverand Car Bootleg

Anarchy In The City
Exclusive extract from Notts author Nicola Monaghan

LeftLion Presents...
Myhouse-Yourhouse, Yunioshi and Nuclear Family shake that Orange Tree until the juice runs down their legs

The Ode General
A look at the Poem for Notts project

Once Again Back is The Incredible Rhyme Animal
Chuck D - yes, the Chuck D - kicks it with the 'Lion

Artists Profiles
Mathew Chesney, Alex Fowkes, Shaun Belcher and Kat Wojcik.

Sorry, I Don't Speak Geek
The Spods-U-Like and the Pub Quiz you love.

Event Listings
Your complete guide to stuff you want to do when work doesn't get in the way

Write Lion
The pick of the Leftlion literary litter

Your new CD, DVD and book guide.

Rocky Horrorscopes
Plus Notts Trumps and the Arthole


We have a favour to ask

LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

Support LeftLion

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