Being the loyal ‘Lioners you are, you no doubt saw the extensive coffee spread we did in the April edition of our rag. We spoke to some of the finest coffee establishments in the city, to fill you in on the behind-the-scenes magic that goes into each and every cup o’ Joe you consume.

To reward you for being the fine human beings that we know you to be, we, along with a handful of generous caffeine-providers, have come up with a coffee bundle to end all bundles that’s yours for the taking...
2 x places on their Barista School classes
More info >
2 x Coffee and cake
Sobar website >
Lee Rosy’s
3 Month Repartea Gift Subscription
More info >
Lunch for four and a bottle of Prosecco
Blend website >
Lee and Fletcher
4 x 250 grams speciality single origin coffee*
Lee and Fletcher website >
+ (using coffee supplied by Lee and Fletcher)
2 x Espresso Martinis at Pillar Box, Sherwood
2 x Espresso Martinis at Crimson Tree, Sherwood
Coffee and Cake for 2 at Copper, City (opposite Theatre Royal)
For your chance to win, all you gotta do is head over to our Facebook page, tag a mate who loves coffee as much as you do in this here post, and hang tight. The winner will be drawn at random, and announced on Monday 1 May.
Happy tagging!
* to be selected from 1 of the following: Delilah, Victoria Street, Nottingham. No 8 Deli, Gordon Road, West Bridgford, Suda, Delicatessen and World Kitchen, Bramcote
We have a favour to ask
LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?