Plenty of fitness and artsy goodness to choose from...

Anita Klein Exhibition
In today’s world, we spend a lot of our time staring at visual stimulus. Most of us could easily waste away an hour scrolling down our timelines or flicking between pictures of bikini models on Instagram. But beside bitterness from looking at girls with abs whilst yer chow down on dinner, these visual stimulus don’t really make us feel anything. Australian painter and printmaker Anita Klein will be down the Malt Cross on Saturday morning to celebrate the opening of her latest exhibition, one which is designed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Following the success of her solo exhibition in London earlier this year, Eames Fine Art are delighted to be bringing a selection of her colourful, charismatic and witty prints to the people of Hoodtown. This collection of paintings, lithographs, etchings and linocuts is way better than any dog vid yer gonna see on Facebook, promise.
Friday 22 - Sunday 24 September, 12pm-6.30pm, free, The Malt Cross, event link

YMCA Gym Open Day
For one day only, the YMCA gym is opening its doors to all Notts folk to help launch their new membership; 1871. This membership includes CrossFit 1871 training and lotsa strength and conditioning - but don’t let that scare yer. CrossFit is just a fancy word for working different bits of your bod at high intensity with some weights and a few other bits thrown in for good measure. If this sorta workout tickles your pickle, get yersen down to the YMCA open day to check out their new space and have a pop at some of the new workouts they’ll be offering. If you like what you find and fancy starting a 1871 membership, do so before 25th September and they’ll let you have it for just 55 quid a month. A pretty good deal seeing as you also receive full access to boot camp, spin class, zumba and more.
Saturday 23 September, free, YMCA Gym, event link

Information Lecture: Help and Healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Groening
Whether you’ve always had an interest in spiritual healing or yer just fed up of standing in line at the pharmacy, now’s your chance to learn about the absorption of the divine power. This lecture will talk you through the life and findings of Bruno Groening, the German mystic famed for his faith healings. Now, you might be thinking, ‘ain’t this a bunch of mumbo-jumbo?’, but people have begun to heal illnesses that doctors declared incurable through the use of these methods. All interested people are invited to attend both the lecture and a community hour which will follow. In the words of ol’ Bruno himself - “there is no incurable, God is the greatest physician”.
Saturday 23 September, 1.30pm-5.30pm, free, The Nottingham Mechanics, event link

Nottingham Independent Print and Publishing Fair
Bees Make Honey and Nottingham Writers’ Studio would like to introduce you to the first annual Nottingham Independent Print and Publishing fair. This straight-up celebration of words, ink and paper will include everything bookworms and arty-types could ever ask for. Expect to find book stalls, zine makers, papercut artists, independent publishers, comic book artists, the lot. Throughout the day they’ll be running open submissions for future publications and lino-print and book-making workshops for any of yous who fancy trying something new. It’s a whole day dedicated to all things inky and there’s plenty to be gettin’ on with. Sounds like the perfect place if yer lacking a bit of creative inspiration.
Saturday 23 September, 10.30am-4.30pm, free, Nottingham Writers’ Studio, event link

Robin Hood Marathon
If yer tek a stroll on Sunday mornin’ and see a load of boggers huffin’ and puffin’ as they flail down Victoria Embankment, don’t be alarmed. It’s only the Robin Hood marathon day! Folk all over Notts have been training for months to pound the pavements with their feet and show the streets what they’re legs are made of, and the day is finally here. Whether you’re doing the whole 26 miles or just coming along to cheer ‘em on, the Race Village will sort you out. Here, you’ll find the food stalls, medical and massage tents, charity partners and even some cheerleaders. It really is set to be a cracking event. For any of you that won’t be running yer legs off, you might wanna check on the road closures so you don’t accidentally get caught up in the riff-raff. Good luck to yer all.
Sunday 24 September, 9.30am, Victoria Embankment Recreation Ground, event link
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LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?