Not a Vincent Vega or Mr. Orange in sight...

It’s 25 years since Reservoir Dogs had its British Premiere at Broadway, a landmark the cinema is celebrating with a special screening followed by a Tarantino-themed party in their Cafébar. We're joining the festivities with our list of his ten best supporting characters:
Drexl Spivey – True Romance
On that TV there, since you been in the room, is a woman with her breasteses hangin' out, and you ain't even bothered to look.
Actor: Gary Oldman
In a career made up of stand-out performances, you'd be hard pressed to find a more memorable one than this from Oldman. His dreadlocked, scar-faced gangster with the voice like month-old caramel is compelling, as he steals every scene he appears in.
Richard Gecko – From Dusk ‘till Dawn

Captain Koons – Pulp Fiction
He hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass.
Actor: Christopher Walken
How do you manage to steal one of the biggest films of the 1990s despite only appearing in one scene? By being Christopher Walken, that's how. His incredible monologue about hiding a watch, Butch's birthright no less, in his ass throughout the Vietnam war is nothing short of mesmerising.
The Gimp – Pulp Fiction

Bag Head #2 – Django Unchained
Ok I’m confused… are the bags on or off?
Actor: Jonah Hill
A lesser director may have inserted a ham-fisted monologue about the horrors of the Ku Klux Klan, but Tarantino did far more damage with four minutes of dark comedy, making them look like absolute fools in the process. The would-be lynch mob bicker about the quality of their hoods, when a confused Jonah Hill asks whether they're still going to wear them or not.
Perrier LaPadite – Inglourious Basterds

Marvin – Pulp Fiction
“Man, I don't even have an opinion.”
Actor: Phil LaMarr
Poor Marvin. Even though Jules didn't ask him a goddamned thing, he emerges the lone survivor from a bloodbath that killed all his friends, and things seem to be coming-up-roses for old Marv'. But a speed bump, unfortunately timed with Vincent Vega's turning around to talk to him whilst brandishing his gun, causes an accidental gunshot that blows his brains all over the back of the car. Cue the Wolf.
Louis Gara – Jackie Brown

Clifford Worley – True Romance
Ya know, I read a lot. Especially about things... about history. I find that shit fascinating.
Actor: Dennis Hopper
As a man that's been caught lying to Christopher Walken's mob boss Vincenzo Coccotti whilst trying to keep his son safe, Hopper's Clifford Worley knows he's facing the last few moments of his life. May as well go out with a bang, with a history lesson about Ciccotti's ancestors being raped by Moorish invaders.
Joe Cabot – Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs is screening at Broadway Cinema on Friday, September 29th at 8.45pm, and will be followed by a Tarantino themed party in the Cafébar
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