Features from October 2018


History of the Weird Midlands Episode Four: Mysteries of the Midlands

This is it, freaks and geeks! In the season one finale, the gang delve into all the wonder and weirdness they've come across in the last four weeks. Prepare for chills, thrills, and spills! Warning: Contains strong language and some serious spookiness. 


Nusic Podcast #190 with Emily Makis, Super Furniture, Tilly Greentree, Jah Digga and more...

This week’s New Music Podcast is a Hockley Hustle special! Featuring picks from Cultural Vibrations, Buttonpusher, Leftlion and more, info on all the charities being supported by the Hustle, plus… some dolphins… from Space!

This podcast may contain some fruity language. Sensitive ears – you have been warned.

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