Stay Strong Notts: LeftLion Covid-19 Update

Words: The LeftLion Team
Tuesday 17 March 2020
reading time: min, words

Firstly, we’d like to express our sympathy and solidarity to all of you going through a tough time at the moment. Foremost, we wish you and all friends and family the best of health throughout. Stay strong Nottingham...


In the light of yesterday’s government announcement advising people to stay away from all non-essential socialising, we have decided to suspend the publishing of our printed magazine until further notice. We’ve been proudly printing and distributing magazines across the city of Nottingham for 16 years and until now we have never missed printing an issue. If you have a few hours spare you can read through the archives here

However, we realise that in the current situation physical copies of our magazine are an unnecessary luxury and we have instructed our regular advertisers (most of whom are in the events and hospitality sector and thus taking a big financial hit right now) that all previously agreed advertising deals for April and May have been declared void. Obviously this will leave a serious financial dent in our business too, but we are hopeful that when this eventually clears up, we will all be able to survive and prosper together once again.


We will continue publishing online until this clears up, and as many people will be indoors and seeking solace and distraction online, we want to provide people in the city of Nottingham with a bit of positivity and cures for the boredom that will inevitably be induced by continued isolation at home.

We are planning on:

  • Publishing our monthly magazines online as usual
  • Publishing articles on our website as regular as ever too
  • Upping the frequency of our monthly email newsletter to weekly (please sign up for that here)
  • Organising virtual gigs, giving artists and musicians a platform to entertain and soothe (watch this space for details)
  • Doing all we can to spread positive news locally
  • Providing additional content around living well and staying healthy
  • Offering free advertising to charities and positive causes who are helping other people during this time

Look out for further updates. We wish you, your friends and family all the best in this time of crisis.

Love and regards,

The LeftLion Team

We have a favour to ask

LeftLion is Nottingham’s meeting point for information about what’s going on in our city, from the established organisations to the grassroots. We want to keep what we do free to all to access, but increasingly we are relying on revenue from our readers to continue. Can you spare a few quid each month to support us?

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