Gig Review: GIRLBAND! at Rescue Rooms

Words: Michael Prince
Photos: Nigel King
Thursday 23 May 2024
reading time: min, words

Alternative three-piece GIRLBAND! have recently burst on to the local and national scene, describing themselves as "a formidable force for good" and spreading energy and inclusivity. We caught their hometown show, supported by The Chase, at Rescue Rooms...

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Bursting onto stage first, The Chase were full of energy and total belief in themselves.  They seem to have a complete love of Ska and Two Tone as exemplified in the first couple of songs, after which they settled down into more original stuff.  A true picture of entertainment.

Rescue Rooms was full of an expectant home crowd for GIRLBAND! I’d surprisingly missed them up until now, as had a few friends, but this was rectified tonight. The great thing was how many members of their family and friends were also there. There was a warmth way beyond the confines of the Rescue Rooms.

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A couple of steady ones to start off, the crowd, a real mixture of ages and backgrounds, warmed up as they got into their stride, comfortably enjoying the evening. There was even a dance circle and mosh pit towards the end, much to the bemusement of some. I’m sure this will become a thing in future local shows. What was really great was to see the front row of the audience, predominantly female. Shades of Dream Wife and Dream Nails, but this time it was organic and needed no encouragement. The message is getting out there.

Proud of their roots, lead singer and guitarist Georgie made particular mention of St Ann's (or did she say Sneinton?), Mansfield and Clipstone, all of which resulted in cheering. Much of the music related to feelings of being different and accepting who you are as a strength. Songs about finding yourself in the world even though you always knew you were different. Such an important message. Never try to fit in if your heart says otherwise. There were songs of protest, too, the wonderful 21st Century Suffragette, which, 100 years on, should not need to be said, but sadly still does. 

The band were clearly delighted to be playing on home turf tonight, skilful, accomplished, exuberant and very happy to be there with plenty of audience participation singing KC and the Sunshine Band's Give It Up and a belter of Happy Birthday to Lyndon. I hope I spelt your name right. A force to contend with in the future, GIRLBAND! have been compared to The Pretenders and I can see why, but they draw on a load of other rock influences. I detected Springsteen and others over the pond (and I’m not talking King’s Mill Reservoir). 

Music should be a joy and help you move to another place, like all good art forms. Tonight was no exception, as I moved back from the near front, to allow others forward, it gave me the change to dance more, relax and lose myself in the music, but also see the sea of smiling faces around me.

Encouraged back for an encore, GIRLBAND! had run out of songs and much to the delight of the crowd they played 21 again.

Georgie, Jada and Kay, some of the nicest of people you’ll meet, were living the dream. What a trio.

Girlband performed at Rescue Rooms on 18th May 2024.

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