The Thompsons on poetry, craft beer and the Euros

Wednesday 26 June 2024
reading time: min, words

Nottingham's most opinionated greengrocers on poetry, craft beer and the Euros

Thompsons Photos RBG

Euro 2024
We’re going to win it this time around, right? Or at least get to the quarter finals and go out on penalties. Terry Venables and Bobby Robson are the best England managers of our time. It’s a shame neither of them are still around. We like Gareth Southgate too though, in fact we went to see a National Theatre Live play where he was played by Joseph Fiennes at Bonington Theatre in Arnold. Excellent play and a lovely venue, but the seats were very uncomfortable. We saw one of our very first Saturday lads from the shop there too. He told us he’d just retired, it’s a pity we haven’t.

Nottingham Poetry Festival
It’s marvellous that Nottingham has this. As we’ve mentioned before we can't read and write ourselves as we went to a dodgy comprehensive school and didn’t pay enough attention. However, our father went to a grammar school and he had memorised a lot of poems. The arts should always be promoted in schools and subsidised for people in society. Why don’t the big companies like Barclays and BT stop chucking money at football and put some of it into arts events like this instead?

Nottingham Craft Beer Festival
We went last year and had a lovely time. It was very well attended and we liked quite a few of the beers. In the past we’ve been quite particular about our beers, but it was nice to try a few different things. There was one stall from Manchester called Cloudwater and they had a very good cloudy pale ale. We also liked some of the Nottingham breweries and the street food. We had a very good salad with dasheen and you don’t see that about much.

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