Nottingham Legends Annie Premiere
The Lace Market Media Group have finished their second documentary in the Nottingham Legends series and have arranged for it to be screened so we can all have a peek. Following on from the success of their first outing, The Cockle Man - a moving and funny portrait of the local legend - the sequel concentrates on Annie, of Burger Shack fame. And anyone who has ever frequented her establishment knows that she deserves such a title. The film also includes music by singer-songwriter Rob Green. The event is invitation only, but that isn't as pretentious as it sounds - look out for giveaways on Lace Market Media Group's Facebook and Twitter (@LaceMarketMedia) pages. It'll also go live on their Vimeo page for 24 hours at the same time as the Tempreh premiere.
Tuesday 20 January, 7pm, Nottingham Contemporary
Weekly Salsa Classes
If you’re anything like us, you’ve overdone it a little bit over the festive season. Mince pies, chocolate, turkey, blue stilton… Oh, the blue stilton. With a nice glass of port. Mmm. Back to reality now, the New Year is in full swing so apparently it’s time to start thinking about beating any potential winter blues and shedding any extra pounds you may be casually sporting. Even if weight loss isn’t your thing, salsa isn’t a bad way to meet a few new mates and have a laugh. El Nico is the man to guide you through from not knowing a blinking thing about it, to knowing that if you were a C-list celeb, you’d totally wipe the floor with everyone on on Strictly Come Dancing.
Wednesday 21 January, 7pm, £5, Bunkers Hill

Library Talk: Let’s Do it for Wildlife
New Year’s resolutions aren’t just confined to losing weight and drinking less. There are loads of things we could be doing to help our fellow muckers, and that includes making the world around us a more pleasant place to be. To get you started off on your environmental endeavour, Lesley and Dave Robinson of Our Back Yard are on hand to teach the basics in caring for the wildlife around us. Plus, they’re bringing Bonnie the Barn Owl along so you can pretend to be Frank Shelton for the day. On top of all that, there will be information on how your family can create a beautiful garden without damaging the lingering critters. All this lovely community spirit and not a penny to come out of your pocket. Splendid.
Thursday 22 January, 10am, free, Sherwood Branch Library
Introduction to Print
Now the Malt Cross is back in all its glory, it's playing host to some much-missed arty workshops that are sure to get your creative juices flowing. For this one, they’ve got a two-parter on all things monoprinting, both ran by the brilliant Leanne Narewski. The first session is this week and will show you how to create lino cuts like a pro, even if you’ve never touched the stuff before. In fact, beginners are encouraged to explore the techniques, as Leanne will take everyone through the most basic steps all the way through to the masterpiece-makers. All the materials are provided, all you have to do is show up. It’s forty quid per person, or sixty if you fancy the collagraph session next Thursday too.
Thursday 22 January, 7pm, £40/£60, Malt Cross
Youth Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair
Loads of young people are feeling a bit disillusioned as of late, and who could blame ‘em? It looks like a scary, grey world out there, but the council are offering a leg up into sunnier skies with a jobs fair. With the chance to meet employers, have a gander at jobs on offer and get advice from industry professionals, it’d be daft not to stick your toe in if you’re a young jobseeker. Not only will there be a chance to apply for different jobs in the city, but the opportunity to poke a nose around apprenticeships in interesting and creative industries - it ain’t all about plumbing and electrics y'know. All you have to do is complete this form and take it with you on the day.
Thursday 22 January, 10am - 3pm, free, Albert Hall

Origin One, K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade, Ashmore and more
The venue known for inciting the sweatiest Red Stripe-fuelled get-togethers this side of the city are hosting Nottingham legends Origin One, Ashmore and K.O.G - to name but a few. The usual reggae-loving troop, fronted by Trekkah, Kev, Bru-C and Parisa are on standby, ready to force your hips into action with high-energy dancehall riddims. Festival headliners K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade are back, fresh from a summer of peace, love and unity, and are ready to spread their ‘unity in diversity’ motto to the young revellers in town. Man of the minute, Kane Ashmore will also be performing with a live band filled to the brim with owd familiar faces, right alongside the lovely, folky Bud and DJs from Brouhaha and Origin One label Deeper Than Roots. Pop on yer fave pair of creps and whine on down.
Friday 23 January, 8pm, £4, The Maze
Women into Broadcasting & Women into the Future
Women of Nottingham, listen up! Women Leading Learning, (The Workers’ Educational Association new women's branch), have a course on all things radio. Running for ten weeks, it will cover a whole range of radio broadcasting skills and knowledge. Develop your speaking, listening and presenting skills and make industry connections in a safe, fun atmosphere. You can also stick around for the afternoon course, Women into the Future, which will look at a range of social, historical, musical, and art based topics. It will also tackle issues including raising children, gender, domestic violence and abuse, and women in the music business, and participants will get to complete creative projects for the International Women's Day exhibition in March. Both courses are free to women on low benefit and low incomes, and travel expenses and child care costs are available on request. Pop along to the first session, or call Rose on 07850524319 for more info.
Women into Broadcasting, every Thursday from 22 January until 2 April, 10.15am - 12.30pm; Women into the Future, 1pm - 3.15pm,mostly free, The LoftHouse
The Deep River Revue
Ladies and gentlemen, dust off the owd rodeo boots and source yer best cowboy hat, The Deep River Revue are waiting to take you to the Deep South with a night of the best American roots music one could possibly find within our beloved NG region. Daniel Meade and the Flying Mules, The Outwoods County Riders, and The Most Ugly Child are the music maestros on hand to pluck ‘n’ strum their way through bluesy ballads and rock ‘n’ roll sets. The guitars’ll be out and the whiskey’ll be flowing, so forget any pre-made plans, pack yer bags and sling ‘em in the wagon as you and yer trusty steed trot on over to Sherwood. Or just catch the bus. Whatever.
Friday 23 January, 8pm, £5, The Guitar Bar

Melton Original Portraits
Sod your Instagram, your DSLR and your iPhone. It’s all well and good to be able to capture every moment of your life, sober or drunk, but with archives going into the hundreds, if not thousands for some folk, where is the beauty? We’re being flippant, but even though digital photography has made snappers of us all, it’s rare that anyone actually prints their pictures, or even looks at them after they’ve been chucked up on social networks. There’s something a bit special about analogue photography, and Melton Original Portraits take that up a notch with prints that really are one of a kind. By using a sixty-odd-year-old ex-RAF bellows camera and discontinued positive paper stock as opposed to negatives, the portraits he takes are quick and beautiful. If you fancy being immortalised with his camera, wash your face, brush your hair and teeth and just pop in.
Saturday 24 - Sunday 25 January, £10/£15, Malt Cross
The Nottingham Bicycle Jumble
A little birdy tells us that you lot like a bit of tandem action, some cyclical goodness, a certain pedal palaver. Well, some news just in - there’s gonna be a jumble with all the bikey bits you can imagine. Bring some stuff. Hell, bring loads of stuff, buy loads of stuff… Stuff! On top of all the vintage, retro goodness, there’ll be drinks and snacks for all at this joyous celebration of the push-iron. There’s a seller fee of a tenner, but if you’re just popping along for a swift browse, it’ll only cost you fiddy pence to get in - and we’re sure that’s not gonna be the only bargain of the day.
Sunday 25 January, 12pm, 50p/£10, M.C.O. Community Centre, Sneinton
Short Stack Short Films
The only place to go if you’ve got a penchant for vinyl and a flat bike tyre, Rough Trade are now branching out into the world of film. They’ll be screening a myriad of eclectic short films produced, directed and written by a bunch of Notts heads. If you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t popped yer head into the wonderfully diverse store yet, this is your perfect opportunity. As well as some proper beer, there’s a couple of rudey-nudey films on show to give you a right cheeky - pardon the pun - Friday eve. Goo on, break free from the usual bar crawl drudgery and peek into the minds of our up-and-coming, homegrown Speilbergs. You know you wanna.
Sunday 25 January, 7pm, free, Rough Trade
For the motherload of everything else going on this week check out our comprehensive Nottingham events listings.
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