The Mispers
We noticed you don’t like to be put down as one genre…
Jack: Violindie sounds good. Wait, chocolate rock - cos it’s got that milky texture, and a sweet edge...Stature… that sounds like some little pokemon. Punk? Violindie Rock. N/A.
How long have you been in Notts?
Hannah: About five hours, but we’ve been here before. We had our first day off as a band on tour here.
What did you get up to?
Joey: We were parked in the same car park. We got fucked at Red’s. Supporting Saint Raymond. I kicked a bouncer accidently.
Jack: Joey has a habit of falling into bouncers.
Joey: Yeah man, Nottingham’s cool. We did Dot to Dot last year too.
What did you know about Nottingham before you came here?
Jack: Robin Hood.
Hannah: Joey was talking about the venues earlier. And how Nottingham is one of the best cities in the UK for music. Some great venues.
Jack: And the sound here - it’s fucking awesome man.
Jack: Sorry, I got distracted there, Diego is putting on his ankle brace haha. As he’s apparently 300 years old.
Hannah: Apparently there’s three girls to every one guy?
What songs do the crowds go proper mental for?
Hannah: Brother is our big one that people seem to really enjoy. Then there’s a new one which Joey sings the lead on, which has a proper singalong part.
You’re playing to some big crowds now. Have you had any crazy fans yet?
Jack: I’ve had a few niggles.
Hannah: Wasn’t it in Nottingham you had notes left for you on the van?
Jack: Yeah I think so. Not ransom notes. I’ve had people come up and like give me a bottle of whiskey after a gig which is always nice. It’s really nice when people just come up to you after a gig and tell you it’s good - I’m not shy about our music, so I don’t want people to be shy about it either.
Hannah: In Manchester, on tour with SR, me and Jack, between soundcheck and the gig went back onto the bus, and there was this guy on there. We went up to him and tried to prod him, and he had a hand all bandaged up and mangley.
Jack: Turns out it was a homeless dude.
Hannah: This was the bus we were sharing with Callum as well. It was really scary.
Jack: He was like “I’m all good mate” and I was like “you’re not all good mate, you’re in our van.” I carried him out.
Hannah: I ran away and got more people.
Favourite venues so far?
Jack: Manchester Albert Hall
Hannah: It’s stunning. Paris was also amazing. Like converted opera houses or theatres are incredible.
Do you prefer the bigger crowds or intimate ones?
Jack: The bigger the better.
Hannah: I like it when crowds are on the same level.
A lot of people think of Robin Hood when they think of Nottingham, but what's one thing that you think of that sums up you, or makes you happy?
Jack: This little statue just between the grass market and in between the royal mile. Some people spit there, don’t know why. Like the little dog - the most loyal dog that has ever lived.
Hannah: I have a map up on my wall. And it has photo’s of all my friends from around the world.. that’s probably a bit hipster isn’t it?
Joey: The best moment of my life - I was waiting for a bus home with this girl. And this guy just ran past and had stolen someones phone. Now, I didn’t know this chick, it was the first time we’d met up, and I ran off after the dude. And I got the phone, and I felt like such a don. And it’s never gonna happen ever again. For the first time, and the last time.
Hannah: Do you remember when you left something on the coach in France?
Joey: Oh yeah my jacket. Second best moment of my life.
Hannah: He literally legged it down the side of the coach, pretty much straight into a motorway, and I caught up with the bus.
Joey: Think I hit 70mph haha.
Diego: Maybe the 4:2 on FIFA last night? Haha.
The new single - Weekend - what is it about?
Jack: It’s about having that bit of time to get away from everyday living. Whether it’s going to the city or going to the countryside. It’s finding that bit of bliss within yourself. And it’s usually with another person too.
Hannah: It’s almost a coming of age thing. Positive escapism.
How did the song come about?
Jack: It’s been around for a long time, but never good. Diego tried to cut all the guitar.
The Mispers single Weekend is out now on iTunes.
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