HP: 33/33
Type: Spiffing / Normal
Weight/Height: 0.12kg/1.43m
Area found: West Bridgford
Pokenotts Power: Many Monies As long as Poshachu is your Active Pokenotts, you can use it to tackle your dire financial situation. Careful though, passing too many expensive jewellery shops will rile the creature into breaking out and remortgaging. Collect Rich Background and Snoot to boost this power.

HP: 18/18
Type: Smouldering / Normal
Weight/Height: 52kg/2m
Area found: Market Square
Pokenotts Power: Subculture Hype You can find this one hanging around in the Square with all the other Cybergothbats, occasionally kicking the Schuh shutter and wreaking havoc. Evolved from the Gothbat, but nobody seems to see them around these days. Power up on Monster Cans and Roll Ups for maximum impact.

HP: 1/25
Type: Amazeballs / Unique
Weight/Height: 48kg /1.7m
Area found: Hockley
Pokenotts Power: Trouser Roll Don’t forget about the surprise attack. This Pokenotts will throw independent-coffee-shop coffee all over your opponent and blabber on about philosophy and obscure bands in order to confuse. Find them in the depths of vintage shops, and they can be evolved by collecting vinyls. You will need to find a record player for it, though.

HP: 38/38
Type: Swinger / Middle Class
Weight/Height: 0.5kg/1.22m
Area found: Wollaton
Pokenotts Power: Sweet Birdie Gather all the Real Ale you can to power up Golfduck. This Pokenotts may look undefeatable, but just one look at a Bo-Ohgey and it’ll be rolling around on the floor in defeat. Watch out for Shroomish around these parts, they’ll spin your Golfduck into a frenzy of a trip.

HP: 15/15
Type: Inside / Normal
Weight/Height: 0.93kg / 0.71m
Area: Bromley House Library
Pokenotts Power: Well Read Deceptively small. With a Libreedle as your Active Pokenotts, an opponent can expect to be crushed by the sonic weight of words. Careful, though. Too long outside the confines of Bromley House Library and your Pokenotts will start to lose energy. Use Custard Creams to power up.

Major Oakemon
HP: 27/27
Type: Woodland / Tree
Weight/Height: 2300 kg / 28m
Area found: Sherwood Forest
Pokenotts Power: Nuff Strength This sturdy fella is more brawn than brain, and is best used as a hideout for other Pokenotts, including Robin HootHoot and Maid Mareep. Be wary not to come into close contact with fire Pokenotts, and make sure to keep a steady supply of Water Bombs in your Pokedex to quell any fiery outbreaks.
8 Places to Catch Pokemon in Nottingham
National Videogame Arcade in Nottingham
[ALT] Gaming Lounge in Nottingham
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