Communion's 'New Faces' Tour Competition

Monday 22 September 2014
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New Faces Tour

On Sunday 9 November, The Bodega plays host to a diverse line-up of bands as part of Communion’s biannual ‘New Faces’ Tour.

After a mental summer and the recent release of their EP Pilot, local lads Amber Run will be playing alongside fyfe, Kimberly Anne and Pixel Fix.

Sounds great, dunnit?

Tickets are priced at eight quid, but before you rush off and buy one we should let you know that we’ve got a pair that are up for grabs because, well, you’re lovleh.

To be in with a chance of getting your mitts on them, all you have to do is email [email protected] and make the subject line “Amber Run”.

The deadline is Wednesday 1 October at midnight.

Good luck!

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