Dragonforce / Playboys

Wednesday 20 October 2004
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'Extreme power metal' takes over the Basement at Rock City


Relegated to the Rock City Basement were Dragonforce supported by The Renegade Playboys.  It was apparent that even in a city known for playing host to rock music, these types of bands still struggle to pull the crowds.

I have seen The Renegade Playboys at Junktion 7 on in September as one of the support acts to Hurricane Party.  I'd gone to that night as I had been impressed with Hurricane Party when they supported Queensr?che in Rock City's Main Hall back in June.

I love discovering unsigned groups and supporting them by going to their gigs - I think The Renegade Playboys have some good ideas and are a lively band to watch but perhaps lack the x-factor which could see them achieve high status.  Having said that, they're still all young and obviously work hard as a group so they could, and hopefully will, end up proving me wrong!

I have also seen Dragonforce before - in the line up at Bloodstock last year, they were impressive on that day and I have been waiting to see them again since then.  All fantastic musicians, they played well tonight for their sword-bearing fans, but like everyone else I've seen on that stage, they appeared to be uncomfortable with the lack of space available.

The only part of their set I objected to was the keyboard solo.  Although it made a refreshing alternative to a lead guitar solo, it was shocking. Vadim Pruzhanoo seemed slightly uneasy after the rest of Dragonforce departed from the stage but seemed to overcome his nerves by pressing a demo button and waving his hair around. To be more exact, his solo consisted of a pounding beat I would associate with dance music and lacked any of the complex playing that he's capable of, and that I was hoping to hear. The crowd appeared bemused by his efforts and I actually felt ashamed to be a keyboard player for those few painful minutes. 

Dragonforce had an overwhelming stage presence without being over the top and in-your-face. Sam Totman (rhythm guitar) was standing on monitors at the front of the stage quite frequently during the evening. Adrian Lambert (bass) had an unobtrusive physical presence, but the bass lines he laid down were superb, Herman Li gave an electrifying performance, you would be forgiven for thinking he had been born with a guitar in his hands, ZP Theart (lead vocals) as usual performed with vigour and Dave Mackintosh (drums) kept a precise rhythm throughout the set which can't have been an easy feat given all the flying double bass and fills he used.  

Dragonforce describe themselves as extreme power metal.  With their outrageously catchy melodies and furious pace, this makes it an apt description. Overall, their sound was amazing and I was wrapped up in the music - already looking forward to when I can next see them.

I was pleased to note that this was a 14+ show, it's great to get younger people into rock/metal to preserve it for the future and maintain it as a fantastic alternative to whatever manufactured bands the pop charts are churning out these days. I was even more pleased to notice a few younger people were actually there enjoying the music, this must be encouraging for the bands; knowing they're satisfying a wide audience.

Unfortunately as the crowds weren't there then using the Main Hall would be unnecessary and create a deadened atmosphere, although I don't think either band were compatible with Rock City's Basement for different reasons.  These types of bands come across better during other gigs such as when The Renegade Playboys supported Hurricane Party and Dragonforce played Bloodstock.  It seemed rather strange to put a glam rock band with a power metal band but I did really enjoy them both!


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