Future Sound of Nottingham 2015 - Josh Wheatley

Saturday 13 June 2015
reading time: min, words
"Some people have the weirdest conversations with their friends"
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Josh Wheatley

How would you describe your music?
Indie-Pop with a dark twist.

What was your reaction to the news you'd be playing the FSN final?
Incredibly excited to receive the opportunity again. The band and I are looking forward to playing the Rock City main room again. Though this time things will be different...

What can the Rock City crowd expect from your performance?
A little change from last time... Since my slight change in direction there's a little more energy. I also personally feel like there's a little more sophistication since my style, writing and performance has matured.

Why did you enter FSN?
I would love to play Splendour. It's a festival I've admired for years and wanted the opportunity to play. Hopefully this is my year. Also the prospect of playing Rock City again is incredibly elating.

Who are your biggest musical influences?
My influences are forever changing.

At the moment I'm massively into a London duo called Oh Wonder. They produce mind-blowing indie-pop. I've fallen in love with their track Livewire.

An acoustic artist from Belfast called Daniel James has taken over my spotify recently along with a band called Flyte whose song Light Me Up is incredible.

Most of all I find myself gravitating towards artists like Orla Gartland, The 1975, Lauren Aquilina and Luke Sital-Singh. All very Indie, especially The 1975 and Orla. There's something about the ambience of their records.

What are your biggest non-musical influences?
This will sound very strange but listening on people's conversations. Some people have the weirdest conversations with their friends.

What other Nottingham artists are you loving at the moment?
I love the Amber Run album. Cannot stop listening to State of Mind by Ady Suleiman.

Eyre Llew. No more need be said. They're all lovely guys and play incredible music. I was gutted I couldn't make their debut show...

As for more artists who haven't got massive budgets, I can't talk high enough of Felix MB and Rogues. Two relatively different acts but I can definitely see them forging a path for themselves in the industry.

I've always got some love for Daudi Matsiko, he's the most cuddly man alive. I can't wait to hear his new music.

What's been the highlight of your career so far?
There have been quite a few...

Rock City last year was awesome, but also both Bodega shows I've done too. I think in more recent months it's been finally being able to release my Close - EP. I spent forever sitting on it waiting for the right time. I'm incredibly happy with the response from BBC Introducing, especially being played by Simon Raymonde on Amazing Radio.

How can people find out more about you?
I'm all over the place, mainly on the internet on all the main social media sites. Soundcloud and Facebook.

Any last words for Leftlion?
Yes, I wish the absolute best of luck to all the other artists competing in the final! Also a massive shout to Nusic who do an awesome service for the local music scene!

The Future Sound of Nottingham final takes place at Rock City on 14 June, free.

Future Sound of Nottingham 2015 Final Facebook Event
Nusic website

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