Future Sound of Nottingham 2015 - The Chase

Thursday 11 June 2015
reading time: min, words
"A curly chap with a guitar bobbing his head about, a floppy-fringed bassist flopping his hair about"
alt text

The Chase

How would you describe your music?
Our music combines many elements that your typical indie rock 'n' roll listener would want to hear: great guitar and drum solos with a cracking bass riffs. The songs we play are of a wide variety, from punchy "get in your head" tunes to heavier rock tunes but while they are all different, they all maintain a high level of integrity.  

What was your reaction to the news you'd be playing the FSN final?
We were all buzzing as all of the long hours of hard work sitting in front of a computer screen trying to get votes had paid off.
What can the Rock City crowd expect from your performance?
A curly chap with a guitar bobbing his head about, a floppy-fringed bassist flopping his hair about and an unhinged drummer throwing his arms about (all while making a great noise of course.)

Why did you enter FSN?
We were actually entered into the semi finals of FSN through winning the 'Noise of the next generation' competition.

Who are your biggest musical influences?
Our biggest musical influences are The Smiths, The Sex Pistols, Oasis, The Beatles and The La's

What are your biggest non-musical influences?
The area we live in, St. Anns, is a big influence on us all... Maybe not in a good way.

What other Nottingham artists are you loving at the moment?
The Swiines.

What's been the highlight of your career so far?
A few of our career highlights so far have been supporting The Swiines at Rock City Basement; supporting John Power from Cast at The Doghouse; playing at Proud Camden and of course getting through to the FSN final!

How can people find out more about you?
Take a look at our Facebook, Coundcloud, Twitter and YouTube - just type in the web address and whack /thechasetdl on the end.

Any last words for LeftLion?
Watch out for The Chase...

The Future Sound of Nottingham final takes place at Rock City on 14 June, free.

Future Sound of Nottingham 2015 Final Facebook Event
Nusic website

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