Live Music Review: Felix M-B EP Launch at Rough Trade

Monday 01 February 2016
reading time: min, words
The latest EP release from the young whippersnapper debuted at Rough Trade on Friday 29 January
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image: G.Whitmore

The Television Workshop is renowned for churning out top-notch actors with regional dialects. But the talent that seeps through the walls of their Stoney Street basement is not solely confined to the realm of TV drama. 

Felix M-B is the living proof. His vocal chords belie his age, and he outsmarts virtually all top-slot chart-hitters in lyrical ability. At just eighteen years of age, he’s already had a host of radio plays, including BBC Radio 2, and has made his name known at local festivals Hockley Hustle and Dot to Dot. The boy’s getting about a bit.

Friday evening saw Rough Trade packed to the rafters with fans who turned out in support of the talent’s latest EP, The World Won’t Wait. Depicting Felix’ perilous journey into adulthood, the five-track piece epitomises nu-folk, and sees guest vocals from fellow fresh-faced TV Workshop student, Tiger. 

The stage was lit to the rafters with strings of light bulb fairy lights, and the four-piece band filled every corner of space available. The sound quality left a little to be desired, as it has done with a fair few Rough Trade gigs I’ve been to, but we tactfully ignored the dodgy lead on Felix’ guitar, in favour of his story-telling vocals.

Unlike most EP launches, the evening didn’t solely consist of tracks from the latest release, with crowd-pleaser Ophelia from his 2015 EP, Will I Sleep, turning into a proper sing-along affair. Stand out track of the night had to go to Shed A Year - an angst-ridden, Alt-J-esque power song, with heavy chords and a powerful bridge that sees Felix belting the pained phrase, “Will I sleep?” at the top of his vocal range. 

As for the new stuff, Beside the Dawn was a tender performance from both Felix and keys and backing vocalist, Emily White. Title track, The World Won’t Wait, was a polished performance with elegant guitar picking soaring above his lyrical story. 

I often find with acoustic/folk singer songwriters that while I’m thoroughly engaged in their recorded works, I find myself drifting off while listening to them perform live. With our Felix, I was captivated from the off. There were beautiful moments of pure enjoyment playing on Felix‘s face when he caught folk in the crowd singing his lyrics back to him. Endearing, warm and a delight to watch the young’un plough through his set with ease. I can’t wait to see more. 

Felix M-B performed at Rough Trade Nottingham on Friday 29 Januaey 2016.

Pre-order The World Won’t Wait on iTunes, or buy a physical copy from Rough Trade.

Felix M-B Facebook

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