Overheard in Notts

Friday 04 March 2016
reading time: min, words
“We live up Lark Hill. I think it's a lovely positive place to be. Mind you, my husband calls it Death Row”
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Person 1: Why don't you like Valentine’s day?
Person 2: I used to have admirers falling out my arse, but now I don't have any.

Grandma: What did your mum put in her chicken curry?
Boy: Chicken…

Lad 1: Noble Road isn’t that bad.
Lad 2: It can be a bit rough. My mate got stabbed last week.

“Radishes are so retro.”

“We live up Lark Hill. I think it's a lovely positive place to be. Mind you, my husband calls it Death Row.”

“Nice hair. I see you've gone back to the dirty bishop look.”

(Boastful) “I been to loads of funerals recently and they’ve all been younger than me.”

“You, sir, are the biggest cock I know!”

“Oh, he was just sneezing. I thought he had an affliction.”

Lady 1: Oh look. A funeral hearse.
Lady 2: How sad.
Lady 1: Still, nice to see a horse and carriage.

Man coming off phone: I'll involve you in an accident in a minute.

“Dad, I know you work 'ard for your moneh but am sixteen in two weeks and I've worked 'ard to stay aht a' jail!”

Lady in restaurant: That was the best sausage I've ever had.
Man in restaurant: Second best.

Lady 1: Ooh, make sure we get the right tram.
Lady 2: I know. We don't want to end up in Clifton.

“There’s nowt but fuckin’ chocolates and flowers in the shops for Valentine’s Day.”

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