Paul Smith's Cycling Scrapbook

Wednesday 25 May 2016
reading time: min, words
Nottingham's top fashion designer has always had a bit of a thing for the pedals, and he has now immortalised this passion in a 265-page book
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You can buy all sorts of mad stuff on Paul Smith’s website. There’s even a ‘Psychedelic Cactus Coat Stand’ going for the affordable price of £4,400, don’tchaknow. Definitely one to scribble down for the wish list. Everyone needs one.

Anyway, while vinyls and concertina bags might set you back a few bob, you can grab yourself the new Paul Smith Cycling Scrapbook for just under thirty quid. Alright, it’s still pretty steep, but it looks cool as shit. Created in a partnership with Thames & Hudson, the 265-page book is a guide to cycling, all told through beautiful photos and illustrations, mashed together, giving us a good owd look into the influences behind the unique style of our Paul. Plus, bikes.

He’s collated his favourite cycling personalities and stories, while working in his cycling jersey collection, all focused on simplicity, collection, and personality. Straddling the line between sport and fashion, there are over 400 pictures in the scrapbook of cool stuff to sink your teeth into.

Get stuck in.

Paul Smith’s Cycling Scrapbook is available from all good book shops and online.

Cycling in Nottingham Articles
Nottingham Bike Works Community Workshop Photo Gallery
Sir Paul Smith Interview

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