Pick of the Week: 8 - 14 September

Sunday 07 September 2014
reading time: min, words
We've only got a week or two of this summer lark left. Make the most of it with some of the best activities going down in Nottingham
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1UP Video Games Quiz
If you’re nimble-fingered and square-eyed, this one’s for you duck. Broadway are host to a conundrum-filled evening in the cyber world that’ll leave you scratching your headset, and everyone’s invited. Except n00bs. The questions are harder than a steroid-pumped Donkey Kong at a Derby away match, so make sure you bring brains stuffed with all the level-ups, grand thefts and mushrooms accumulated over the years. It’s dead cheap and there are prizes to be won. Get your arse down but remember, no cheating. Left, down, right, up will not serve you well here.
Tuesday 9 September, 9pm, £1 a head, Broadway Cinema

Heritage Open Days 2014
Every year, the country looks back at local history for a few days and Nottingham’s got loads to show for it. There are activities and guided tours of all the places that get everyone wondering what it was like back in the day, so we can all learn a thing or ten about how this city came to be. From the steam and diesel engines in Nottingham Industrial Museum, to the beautiful gardens of St Ann’s Allotments, to the wartime tales of Beeston and Chilwell, to stuff you’d never know about the Arboretum, there’s loads to get involved in. Check out the Heritage Open Days website to find out everywhere with a story to tell.
Thursday 11 September – Sunday 14 September, free, various locations

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Dylan Howe: Subterraneans: New Designs on Bowie’s Berlin
Like jazz? Good. Like Bowie? Good. Veteran British drummer Dylan Howe is bringing his recently released album to the Bonington Theatre stage in a five-piece band featuring Andy Sheppard on tenor, Steve Lodder on synth, Ivo Neame on piano, Dave Whitford on bass, and the man himself on the skins. The place will ring out with Howe’s own take on Bowie songs from the seventies, floating the boats of rock and jazz fans alike. The album has been seven years in the making, so expect mind-blowing arrangements performed by some top dogs in the business. Jazzeh.
Thursday 11 September, 8pm, £15/£12/£5/free, Bonington Theatre, Arnold

The Zoo Project Festival
This weekend, you can dress up like your favourite zoo animal, get absolutely mash up in a forest and listen to some fierce tunes. Don’t mind if we do. With sets from Groove Armada, Mr Scruff, Mike Skinner, Mala, Sasha, Nightmares on Wax and loads more, there’ll be sounds to keep the wildlife jumping for a couple of days, no problem. This one might be a little further afoot than the city ends, but the Nottingham crew is out in full force, with Mimm, Racket Studios and Suede Bar presenting the Local Motive stage and dollop on hand for many vibes. There’ll be all the usual tomfoolery of a festival with some of the sickest visuals, artists and performers about. Rawr.
Friday 12 September – Sunday 14 September, £44 - £159, The Forest, Donington Park

Jeru the Damaja
It’s no wonder why Can’t Stop Won’t Stop landed on their name. After hosting the likes of Grand Master Flash, Lonnie Liston Smith and Roy Ayers, they’re showing no signs of letting up on bringing the most legendary of legends to Nottingham. Jeru the Damaja’s special, hip hop PA set marks the start of a monthly CSWS session in Market Bar, on the third Friday of every month. Not only will we bear witness to a slice of hip hop history, but local monsters DJ Fever, The Elementz, Joe Buhdha, Nas Buhdha and Oldboy will be on the decks for good measure.
Friday 12 September, 10pm, £8/£10, Market Bar

The Spanish Civil War
Every year, the Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Labour History Society get together to have a general meeting. This year, on top of all their conversing, they’re gonna be putting on a series of talks centred around The Spanish Civil War. There’ll be an introduction from Ian Hewitt, the grandson of Nottingham man and International Brigader James Feeny, and a talk from author of The Assassin’s Mark Dave McCall. Lastly, Chris Richardson will disclose untold stories on the Civil War including Nottingham’s response to solidarity calls from Spanish workers. Eye-opening stuff.
Saturday 13 September, 2pm, free, The Nottingham Mechanics Institute

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Das Kino Launch Party
One thing we love about Notts is that we’ve got bleddy loads of awesome places to stuff our faces and blow our wages. Now we’ve got another joining our fine city. You may be wondering what makes this place so special... Ping pong and pizza, of course! Not only will these guys be serving absolutely delicious pizza from specialists Oscar & Rosie, but while you wait for your pizza to be cooked to perfection, you can decide who’s gonna fork out for the bill over a game of ping pong. Probably not the best tactic on a first date though.
Saturday 13 September, 7pm, free, Das Kino

Proving that Nottingham really does cater for anyone and everyone, Fuzzbox brings a mixture of live music and DJs for those who are a bit less top forty, and a bit more freakbeat. Yes, that’s a genre. The live music side of things is being looked after by the dirty, distorted sounds of Us Damn Natives and Blackmail Box. Once you’ve moshed your face off, the awesomely named DJs Beaumont Polydactyl and Stiff Kittens will have you dancing into the early hours. Oh, and the venue has the biggest range of beers in the city, so let’s get fuzzy. 
Saturday 13 September, 8.30pm, £2, Canalhouse

Load of Meat Fest
If you didn’t get your fix of alternative musical goodness last week at MacMillan Fest, you’re gonna be well happy, cos those generous lot at IKE Productions are putting on another lineup full of some of the finest heavy acts that the East Midlands has to offer. Perhaps it’s called Load of Meat cos there’s gonna be a barbecue with, you guessed it, loads of meat. We see what you did there. As long as you like guitars, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find something to tickle your fancy over the three stages and with the cheap ticket price, it’s definitely a night to sink your teeth into.
Sunday 14 September, 4pm, £6, The Maze

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Suede Movie Night
What do you normally do on a Sunday night? While some of you might be out there living rockstar lifestyles, it’s fair to say a fair few of us will pop our feet up on the sofa, crack open a beer, and whack on a film. Well, Suede want you to do just that, but in their swanky bar. Every Sunday there’s gonna be a quiz on a cult film where you can win free booze and pizza, before they show the bad boy on the big screen. This week’s film is The ‘Burbs, so get ready, cos “the pizza dude is here!”
Sunday 14 September, 6.30pm, free, Suede Bar

The Gilded Merkin
From gentleman jugglers, to sensual delights, Chinese pole acrobatics to a bit of bump and grind; The Gilded Merkin bring a right mixed bag of some of the finest burlesque and cabaret talent in the UK to Notts, and it’s shaping up to be a proper good ‘un. Not just relying on the tease, you’ll be guffawing at the comedy acts and holding your breath at the physical feats that are part of the show. Dress to impress and forget all the rest, as the likes of Reuben Kaye, Millie Dollar and many more seduce your soul. It’s certainly a night you won’t forget…
Sunday 14 September, 6.30pm, £15, The Glee Club

For the full motherload of everything else going on this week check out our comprehensive Nottingham events listings.

Promoters: Want your event featured in one of our upcoming Pick of the Weeks? If so then you can start by adding your event details into our magazine and website database.

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