Promoter Focus: Assault

Thursday 16 October 2014
reading time: min, words
We continue on our quest to find out every snippet of information about every music promoter in Notts
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Happy dancing time

Rock, metal, punk

Nottingham Trent Students' Union

Who else helps you run the nights?
We started as members of NTU RockSoc and still run in association with them. The Students' Union staff are all super helpful and wonderful. We love them an awful lot.

Words that sum up the events you put on:
Alternative, cheap, rocking, varied, silly, party, drunken.

Describe the average punter at your nights:
Mostly students, although there’s a large handful of alumni and increasingly more locals coming down to party with us.

Which local act has gone down best with your crowd?
Undoubtedly, Evil Scarecrow. We put them on a couple of times a few years ago before they were international rock superstar divas playing to 11,000 people at major festivals. We love those guys heaps.

Which non-local act would you bring back?
Post-punk laptop rapper MC Lars played for us earlier this year – I'd have him back in a heartbeat. A guy with a laptop rapping Shakespeare and Poe over grunge and emo guitar riffs. Sounds stupid but somehow it works, just like us.

If you could get a celebrity compere who would you choose and why?
I hear Kristian Nairn – Hodor in Game of Thrones – DJs. Getting him in, in character, would be pretty awesome.

Which booze sells best at your events?
Aside from the usual lager and cider, Jägermeister have recently dedicated a plaque to us, and we're single-handedly responsible for keeping the Jack Daniel's distillery afloat for the last ten years.

Tell us a crazy story that has happened at your event…
I put this to the Facebook group, and got a lot of responses that can't be printed. Those aside, there was the time we had the snowball fight outside the club one winter’s night; the guys dressed as Tetris blocks dancing to the Tetris theme, the dreaded 'Shirtless O'Clock', the fully-choreographed dance routine that breaks out whenever we play Full Moon, and on a personal note, the time I got my venerable and bewhiskered father to come down and do a DJ set for us. He went down a storm.

If you weren’t a promoter what would you have ended up doing?
Probably the other stuff I do anyway, just more of it. DJing, photography, freelance Corinthian.

What other events in Nottingham do you love?
I'm biased to say Perdition at The Maze because I DJ there. Otherwise I can be found at gigs, or in cocktail bars.

What have you got coming up in October?
We start up again on the Friday 3 October with our tenth birthday party. We then run fortnightly on a Friday, during university term times.

Assault on Facebook

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