Promoter Focus: Palooza

Thursday 04 June 2015
reading time: min, words
We spoke to the music promoters who put on deep and percussive tech house parties. Tomorrow they've got M.A.N.D.Y from Berlin tearing up the place
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Deep and percussive tech house.

Venues you do stuff at:
We started things outside on the Canalhouse terrace, moving on to The I Club car park for our daytime parties and QMX at night. Suede Bar has become our home for the intimate pre and after sessions.

Who else helps you run the nights:
Harrison Griffiths, it's a 50/50 thing.

Ten words that sum up the events you put on:
Parties bringing people together to experience music for the mind.

Describe the average punter at your nights:
Smiling happy free spirits from the strangest crevices of the universe.

Which local act has gone down best with your crowd and why?
I'll have to give that to Harrison, he never fails to get it going off. Our residents make the party every time.

Which non-local act would you bring back again?
Blond:ish. We had the Canadian duo see us into the night on our first ever party, on the Canalhouse terrace. It was glorious in every way. If we could, we'd do it like that every year.

If you could get a celebrity compere, who would you choose and why?
After catching him on his recent tour, George Clinton for sure. That's a man who knows how to throw a party.

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Which booze sells best at your events?

Tell us a crazy story that has happened at your events…
Aside from the stuff you can't print... ploughing through this year’s day party in torrential downpour was a bit nuts for everyone, I think. Raincoats at the ready in true Northern spirit, though everyone came through and it went off.

If you weren’t a promoter, what would you have ended up doing?
If I wasn't putting events on I'd just be going to more of them for sure. Exploring the world and making art by myself and with my collective, Moonstone. This is all happening anyway. It's hard to imagine any way throwing parties wouldn't be involved, though.

What other events in Nottingham do you love?
Always got love for Wigflex and 808, bringing the music I love to Nottingham, where it's usually hard to find!

What have you got coming up in June?
We have the legendary M.A.N.D.Y over from Berlin on Friday 5 June. After that, we're yet to release any plans for the summer. We could definitely do with a sunny day party this year, I'll be spending the next few months in Ibiza so we'll wait and see about that one…

Palooza website

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