EU Referendum
We’re still in a state of shock. All of the people we spoke to in the shop said they were voting remain, so this has come a bit out of the blue for us. We never thought this would happen. It shouldn't affect our business much as everything we stock is grown in England – even the Spanish courgettes. But like everyone else, we’ll be interested to see what the future holds. Will BMWs suddenly be cheaper? If so, we fancy a 5 Series Tourer.
Queen’s Ninetieth Birthday
We had a marvellous time. We decorated the shop – you can see all our nice bunting is still up. On the day itself, we watched the footage on television and then we went to a street party in Mapperley with a bottle of Pol Roger 2002 Champagne each. We were a little bit drunk by the end of the evening. It’s a shame it rained as the chairs got all wet. You can get piles if you sit on wet chairs.
We watched Adele on television from the comfort of our non-muddy sofa. You get some nice pretty women there. We’d never go ourselves as we can't stand camping or roughing it. We’d get terrible chafing at the top of our legs from wearing those wellingtons all day. We’ve also heard that the sanitary conditions can be rather poor.
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