The Thompson Brothers: Notts' Most Opinionated Greengrocers

Tuesday 02 August 2016
reading time: min, words
We don’t have an iPhone, you see. Can you play it using public telephone boxes?

Theresa May
We think she could be rather good. This is the first time in post-war Britain that we have a government cabinet who are 70% state school educated. It’s also the first time we’ve ever had an Education Secretary who went to a comprehensive school. You’d have never thought anyone from a comprehensive system would be allowed to govern this country. Give her time.

Sam Allardyce Becomes England Manager
He managed Notts County, didn’t he? Good on him. England have been pathetic. It’s not the manager’s fault, it’s the arrogance of the players. We hope he has a good shout at them.

Pokemon Go
People in the shop have been talking about it, but we don’t really understand. We don’t have an iPhone, you see. Can you play it using public telephone boxes?

Olympic Games In Rio
We’ll be watching it avidly – particularly the rowing and the cycling. We’ll also be watching old Bolty [Usain Bolt] as we’re convinced he can still run a lot faster. If you watch the earlier races he starts slowing down towards the end. What’s he doing? Speed up, lad!

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