The Vibrators

Tuesday 10 August 2004
reading time: min, words
I don't think I was the only person wistfully humming 'Baby Baby' with a smile on my face as I left...

The Vibrators

Friday 6th August saw Junktion 7 play host to a three piece punk group taking us back to 1976 and bringing us forward to present day with a blinding set of classics.  The Vibrators opened up with Automatic Lover (a favourite of mine) and with commanding drumming took over the night. Until their authoritative entrance on to the stage, the crowd had been rather subdued, and didn't seem to be creating the atmosphere you would expect for a Friday night of rock and punk mixed with alcohol.

They had been supported by Red Sharks, a classic rock and roll band with catchy beats and light hearted lyrics. They were definitely eye-catching with their matching red shirts and a lead singer who enjoyed practising Kung-Fu style moves throughout the set!

The second support act was a basic punk duo called Clambake. The guys forgot to say who they were (!) and are lacking a bass player - which I felt they need, but I did enjoy their set.

I managed to have a quick chat with Ian "Knox" Carnochan from the Vibrators at the end of the night...

I asked him how he thought the gig went and he thought it went well and he enjoyed himself.  He said there were a good number of people there (although not as many as the previous night at another venue, where they played to around 3000 people). He mentioned that he didn't like the barrier between the stage and the audience.

I asked him what he thinks of Nottingham and he is impressed with the developments being made in the city, he can appreciate the amount of money and time that has gone into improving our town.

I asked him what the future holds for The Vibrators and he informed me of a big American tour which starts on September 8th 2004, lasting six weeks and comprising of 35 dates.

The Vibrators hold a personal connection for me as my uncle (Don Snow) played keyboards and saxophone for them briefly to record `Judy Says (Knock You In The Head)' which was released as a single in the summer of 1978.

I was really pleased to be able to watch this band, and I don't think I was the only person wistfully humming `Baby Baby' with a smile on my face as I left Junktion 7 that night.

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