Over Christmas, a piece of Nottingham-grown comedy gold was released on UK tellyboxes. Charity Shop Sue’s Xmas is a mockumentary centering around a fictional charity shop which co-starred Nottingham actress and BAFTA award-winner, Vicky McClure, and featured on Sky Arts...

The Bulwell-based sitcom pilot was conceived in 2001 by Nottingham lads Stuart Edwards, Tim Chesney and Matthew Chesney. Sue – played deftly by the hilarious Selina Mosinski – has whipped up a sizable online following with her webisodes about her shop, Sec*Hand Chances, that encourage her fans to immerse themselves in her wonderful world of donated merchandise. We caught up with Charity Shop Sue herself, who’d had another manic day managing her shop schedule...
How’s your day going so far?
I woke up today with a feeling I would have a weird day. And guess what? It's been a weird day.
What’s your favourite thing about living in Bulwell?
It's a place I can vibe off. Everyone knows me ‘round here.
You’re a bit of a local celeb these days. How did you feel when Sky Arts said they wanted to have a nosey in your shop?
Pretty annoyed actually darling, because I had to get a subscription.
Before this exclusive peek into your life, you’d already built up quite a following on social media. Has fame changed you? How do you handle the crowds?
I’ve always been a popular gal, so I'm used to it. Put it this way: I know how to stick up for myself if anyone messes with me!
What does the noble institution that is a charity shop mean to you?
It’s like snakes and ladders, darling; the more ladders you climb, the more snakes you will find.
Vicky McClure came to visit your shop. What did you reckon to her when she popped in?
All I'm gonna say is that she's a good actress. Make of that what you will.
Nottingham shoppers know a good bargain. What’s the biggest one you’ve ever bagged?
I noticed that a top I liked had a tiny mark on it, so I ended up getting 75% off. It was already in a 50%-off sale.
If you were an item to be sold in your shop, how would you market yourself?
Rare, priceless, funky and has a penchant to have a hell of a lot of fun!
What's been the highlight of your charity shop career so far?
Having a hunch about a donated item that helped put a monster behind bars.
You were nominated for Best New Sitcom at the comedy.co.uk awards...
Didn’t you hear? We didn’t win darling. It was rigged. Thanks for rubbing it in.
You’ve released a fair few albums, too. Do you have any other hidden talents we don’t know about?
I’m really good with numbers and can always tell when someone’s talking shit.
Is it South-well or Suth-all?
It’s Bulwell.
How do you relax after a long day at the shop?
A bubbly foot spa, a Flake, a rose petal tea and Alison Moyet blaring from the kitchen.
What are your hopes for the future of Sec*Hand Chances now you’ve been on the telly?
That when you type in “charity” on the net, I come up top on the search.
Do you have any messages for our Nottingham readers?
If you see me about and I look like I’m wound up, I probably am. Don’t bother me.
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