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What’s Inn a Name? Find Out More About Some of Nottingham’s Most Iconic Pubs
Tue 29 Aug 2023We all know the pub as a staple part of British culture, but they are less often thought of as excellent places to pick up a bit of historical trivia. Throughout Nottingham there are dozens of pubs commemorating people of the past who have led interesting lives. We thought we’d round up a few of our favourites so you can familiarise yourself with these local legends and famous faces.

Inspire Poetry Festival Returns for 2023
Tue 29 Aug 2023The annual Inspire Poetry Festival is back for another year, bringing acclaimed poets to local libraries across Nottinghamshire. This year, the festival brings audiences an array of reasons to enjoy poetry, and especially invites those who may have shied away from the genre previously to delve in and discover a love of literature.

We Catch Up With Emzae Ahead Of The Release Of Her Debut Album
Mon 28 Aug 2023Emzae is all set to launch her debut album All Those Things I Thought I Knew at Rough Trade and she is proud and nervous, but above all, excited...

A Medical Marijuana User in Notts
Mon 28 Aug 2023Sativex, a cannabis based medicine, has been available on NHS prescription in the UK since 2010, and cannabis flower and oil have been available since the end of 2018. It helps me to manage my neurological condition and mental health problems better than pharmaceuticals, but there are massive problems with the prescription system.

Gig Review: Trivium at Rock City
Mon 28 Aug 2023On Friday 25 August in the good year 2023, the almighty Trivium Shogunate rolled through Nottingham to teach its citizens all it could - this is what we learned…

Left Magpie: August 2023
Mon 28 Aug 2023That Familiar Feeling. There’s always a sense of crushing normality at this point in the summer. The night’s are drawing in, back-to-school equipment floods shop shelves and the garden furniture is dragged sodden back to the shed.