Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra


At Albert Hall

Price £5 - £20
Times 15:00 - 17:30

Anna Clyne: This Midnight Hour

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No 2

Piano: Andy Deng

Sibelius: Symphony No 2


Come and join us for our Spring concert featuring music by Anna Clyne, Prokofiev and Sibelius.

We are delighted to welcome RNCM concerto competition winner, Andy Deng, to perform Prokofiev's technically formidable 2nd Piano Concerto.

Described as a “composer of uncommon gifts and unusual methods” in a New York Times profile, Grammy-nominated Anna Clyne is one of the most in-demand composers today.

Sibelius' 2nd Symphony, with its grandiose finale, completes the programme.


North Circus Street, Nottingham

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