Vibes Hotel

Today - Saturday 16 September 2023

At Bar Eleven

Price £6 - £0
Times 22:00 - 03:00

You know that vibe, when you're at home vibing to your playlist or when you're getting ready for the night out and you're in your zone, we've captured that and put it into a nightlife experience.

Come down to the launch of Vibes Hotel.

A night of chill Rap, Rnb, House music, and more. Nothing but vibessss.

Featuring Live PA's From @elmzxix , @blackmax009, @ne3ks92 and @flawless_officialmusic

This is not to be missed.

Venue: Bar Eleven, 23 Goose Gate, Nottingham NG1 1FE.

Time: 10PM til Late


Tickets: start from £6

  • Vibessssss
Audio Athlete - Vibes Hotel - Poster - V3-114644.jpg

23 Goosegate, Hockley, Nottingham