Pub H. D. - Research Talks In a Pub

Wednesday 12 March 2025

At Barley Twist

Price £4
Times 19:00 - 22:00


After a (small) hiatus since the postponed PubHD #70 in February 2020 for pandemic reasons, we're happy to announce the return of researchers to a pub in Nottingham near you.

Three local researchers will explain their work to a bunch of people in the pub in exchange for a pint or two. The talks are at "pub level" - you don't need to be an academic to understand them!


Speakers TBC but Save the Date. Previous speakers have ranged from Shakespeare to the Spartans and Spiders to Space. 


Downstairs at the Barley Twist

19:00 Arrival For a 19:30 Start


The Format:
1. Three researchers will each have 10 minutes to talk about their subject area to an interested audience in a pub.

2. There will be up to 20 minutes of (friendly!) Q&A per speaker.

3. Each speaker gets at least one pint (or other drink of their choice).

4. A whiteboard/flip chart and coloured pens will be provided. No PowerPoints. Props welcomed. Handouts accepted.

Small donation of £4 to pay for our speakers drinks for attendance.


Also anyone who wants to apply to speak or wants to suggest it to someone do get in touch to


91 Carrington Street, Nottingham

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