Pubhd Nottingham Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mri) Special


At Barley Twist

Price Free
Times 19:30 - 22:00

PubhD (from “Pub” + “PhD”) is monthly event that started up in Nottingham on January 22, 2014. The basic idea originated from the question: “Do you think we could persuade local PhD students to come and tell us what they do if we buy them a pint?”.


At each event, three researchers, from any academic discipline, explain their work to an audience in a pub in exchange for a pint or two. The talks are at a “pub level” – the idea is that you don’t have to be an academic to understand the talks.


PubhD has a very simple format and the idea has spread to many other cities around the world.

At 7.30 pm on Wednesday 11th September, Nottingham will be hosting a very special PubhD all about MRI. Nottingham is the home of MRI and we’re also hosting the annual meeting of the British and Irish Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).


We’ll have three speakers:

  • - Maternal iron deficiency and infant brain development in South Africa.
  • - Making microscopic images of the body without machine learning tricks or diffusion gradients, purely using old fashioned physics!
  • - Developing tools to give surgeons greater confidence transplanting kidneys into patients who need them.

Speakers will speak for 10 minutes each without PowerPoint slides, only using drawing and props. 


Each talk will be followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion.


Please come along to the Barley Twist ( at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 11th September 2024 to hear our speakers, ask them questions, and enjoy the atmosphere! Hope to see you there.


For the benefit of the organisers, please sign up here if you’re thinking of coming, so we can get an idea of numbers:

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91 Carrington Street, Nottingham

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