Huw Warren: Choro Choro Choro!


At Bonington Theatre

Price £5 - £15
Times 19:30 - 22:30

Huw Warren – Piano, Tori Freestone – Flute, Yuri Goloubev – Double Bass, Adriano Adewale – Drums

Celebrating Choro, the vibrant beating heart of Brazilian music, Huw Warren’s latest project explores music from the 1880’s to the present day by composers such as Ernesto Nazareth, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Pixinguinha, and modern masters such as Guinga and Hermeto Pascoal. By turns virtuoso, lyrical, and always beautiful and elegant – Choro Choro Choro brings new twists on this great dance music.

Huw Warren Visit Notts 2024-114428.png

High Street, Arnold, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG5 7EE

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