Nicolas Meier World Group


At Bonington Theatre

Price £5 - £15
Times 19:30 - 22:00

Virtuoso UK-based guitarist Nicolas Meier has carved a reputation as one of the world's most original and uniquely talented guitarists. He mixes jazz with his love of Eastern & Middle Eastern music, Flamenco, Tango and more.  This quartet exudes passion, versatility and musical fluency.

His triple album Magnificent was widely praised by critics, including John Fordham noting that the musical collection “…often suggests a wellspring of ideas and experiences in Nicolas Meier’s head and fingers that had been waiting for an opportunity to burst out.”

The World Group tour includes Birthday Celebrations for Nicholas and encompasses gigs in the USA, France and his Swiss homeland as well as the UK.  Make a date to hear this superbly engaging band. 

“Meier’s scintillating playing on assorted fretted and fretless guitars is sometimes reminiscent of Metheny or McLaughlin but with a highly melodic, pan-Mediterranean eclecticism of his own...”  Scotsman 4/5*

Nicolas Meier World Group-11-114428.jpg

High Street, Arnold, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG5 7EE

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