1999: the Blair Witch Project


At Broadway Cinema

Price £5 - £11
Times 20:00

Three students set out into the backwoods of Maryland to make a documentary about the mythical Blair Witch in what has become one of the pillars of the horror genre. The stone-cold classic was the first film to be marketed primarily on the internet, where rumours swirled (and were actively stoked) that the film was in fact a documentary, and the three leads were still missing. A sleeper hit of 1999, the low-budget DIY indie caused a splash at its midnight premiere at Sundance and then went on to become one of the top 10 highest grossing films of the year, spawning a slew of imitations since its release.


Screening as part of 1999 - a season of our favourite films celebrating their 25th anniversary this year.


14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham

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