Just Super (supportive Environment Screening)


At Broadway Cinema

Price £2 - £3.9
Times 13:30

A young girl finds herself heir to the family secret and takes the reins from her father to become her town’s next superhero! The only problem is she lacks the qualities you expect from a hero. With her father unsure about his daughter’s abilities, he begins a search for another in the family line to take her place. With limited time she must prove herself with the help of her sassy grandma.


This is a Supportive Environment Screening.


Our Supportive Environment Screenings are specially adapted to be more welcoming and accessible to people with additional needs, such as autism and other neurodiverse conditions.


Everyone should be able to experience the delight that cinema can bring in comfort. So during Supportive Environment Screenings, we:


  • - leave low lights on in the auditorium
  • - make sure that the volume is reduced
  • - allow customers to move around
  • - allow customers to make noise
  • - allow customers can take a break during the film
  • - show films with captions, when available - this can help with processing verbal information

14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham

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