Kinoteka On Tour: Farewells

Sunday 13 April 2025

At Broadway Cinema

Price £5 - £11
Times 14:30

Screening as part of Kinoteka on Tour


Also known in English as Lidia Ate the Apple, Wojciech Has’s melancholic adaptation of Stanisław Dygat’s novel evokes the despair pervading Poland in the years before and after the Second World War. Has conjures a fatalistic image of a society riven by unbreachable divides in this early directorial effort that proved highly influential for the nascent Polish Film School of the late 1950s. In 1939, bourgeois student Pawel rebels against his conservative upbringing by running away to the countryside with cynical dancer Lidka. Their idyll is ruined first by their families, and then by the onset of war. Reconnecting years later, the pair reflect on the traumas suffered since and question their capacity to love again.


14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham

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