Of Walking On Thin Ice (Camino to Cop26) Immersive Film Screening (with walk)


At Broadway Cinema

Price £8 - £0
Times 18:00 - 19:15


Screening at Broadway Cinema, Speciual  Camino Walk Screening Saturday 3 June, 6pm as part of GREEN HUSTLE FESTIVAL/ Meet Attenborough Nature Reserve at 12 Noon and walk along canal to Broadway. More details below:

Join us at the Broadway Cinema in Nottingham at 6pm on June 2nd and 3rd, as part of the GREEN HUSTLE FESTIVAL for two screenings of  OF WALKING ON THIN ICE, a film made by Ben Wigley following the 500-mile journey (Camino to COP26) made on foot by hundreds of climate activists from Bristol and London to Glasgow for the COP26 Climate Conference in November 2021.

There will be a chance to hear from director Ben Wigley and Green Hustle’s Adam Pickering at a Q&A screening on the Friday, and then an expanded cinema walk event on the Saturday, walking along the canal and through the festival site to the cinema screening.

Film runtime: 55 minutes. The film is suitable for all ages with some flashing lights, and loud drumming in the soundtrack.


The CAMINO TO COP26 was a people’s walk carrying a message of love, hope, grief, fear, and connection with the natural world to leaders deciding on the future of our climate. Ben walked with the group, who became known as ‘CAMINISTAS’, filming their experiences and capturing the sense of pilgrimage on this emotional and purposeful journey. More than a thousand walkers, aged from eight to 80 plus, joined the Camino for a few hours, a day or more, with a core group of about 30 completing the entire route to Glasgow. Completing the 500-mile journey involved intense physical and mental effort, emotional and spiritual upheaval, but it brought transformation and a sense of hope, despite the looming threat of climate breakdown.

OF WALKING ON THIN ICE has become an expanded cinema project, where walking to the film screening is a key part of these immersive film events - led, in song, by the film staff (a carved wooden staff with the film on a USB stick inside), helping to build a sense of community. The audience arrives at the screening and often eats together before the film. Those who walked sit back with the sinuous memory of the walk still live in their legs and watch the film unfold. The routes are also accessible for wheelchair users. Caministas have also been holding workshops in schools and community buildings, involving storytelling, printing, flag-making and drumming to further raise awareness of the climate and ecological emergency.

The Broadway Camino Film Walk will begin at Attenborough Nature Reserve. Meet at 12 outside visitor centre. The walk will re-enact moments, rituals from the Camino to Cop26, in a narrative journey along the river. We will stop at Beeston Lock, and the Navigation pub, where people can join. Then we walk to Tiger hub for community food. We will make our way to Broadway for the screening and watch the film with the memory of the walk sinuous in our bodies, and the echos of the songs and sounds in our ears. sign up to Whatsapp group to attend the walk.. (https://chat.whatsapp.com/K9J49ZevLerJ7aqXudoXXT ) or just come to the screening at 6PM. Walk is not obligatory

14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham