Rhymes and Reasons Of Nottingham’s Multilingualism


At Broadway Gallery

Price Free
Times 12:00 - 16:00

Marking 75 years since the Empire Windrush arrived in Britain, marking the beginning of many waves of migration that have made the UK and Nottingham what it is today, 'Rhymes and Reasons of Nottingham's Multilingualism' explores the variety of languages and dialects of English we hear spoken today. As Britain experiences shifting social realities, what inspirations and meanings lie hidden in the languages and dialects we speak?


An interactive map will allow visitors to listen to the voices of Nottingham today talking about their language – both local varieties of English and some of the many other languages used by Nottingham locals. Visitors of all ages will also enjoy the hands-on 'World of Languages' interactive games and you don’t need any German at all to take part in our 'German Hip Hop – Rate this Song' activity.


This is a free event, feel free to drop in! Booking is encouraged but optional.


This event is part of the University of Nottingham's festival Hub programme.


If you are interested in this event, then you may also be interested in other events Nottingham Hub has to offer. Find out more through the links!

Broadway Gallery, 17 Heathcoat Street, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 3AF

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