A series of events situated around a structure turning Broadway Gallery into an instrument. A project led by visual artist/curator Ryan Boultbee, architectural designer/artist Will Harvey, and musician Tom Harris.
Sonic Sculptures is a series of events which will turn Broadway Gallery into an instrument, hosting a programme of soundscapes and sonic experiences. Sonic Sculptures explores the intersections of material, space, and sound through an innovative Framework for Practice installation, captivating performances, and workshops.
The programme of performances and workshops will subvert participants’ expectations and associations with sound and materials, empower early-career creatives, and foster a vibrant community for future sonic exploration across disciplines.
Events include performances and workshops by Tom Harris, Aja Ireland, Robert Mitchell, and No Jobs in the Arts.
See nearnow.org.uk for details of all Sonic Sculptures events taking place using the Framework for Practice structure in Broadway Gallery.
Events overview: