Canalhouse Comedy Night


At Canalhouse

Price £2 - £0
Times 20:00 - 22:00


Multi-Award winning show at the Midlands Comedy Awards*


 The Canalhouse Comedy Night features a  mixture of established acts trying new material and new acts. You never know what you're going to get but it's always a great laugh. Come see top acts practising their new material and support the up-and-coming acts as they start their careers, you never know who may become the next big star! 


 * Best Small Club at the 2021 and 2018 Midlands Comedy Awards.


Best Open Mic Night at the 2016 Midlands Comedy Awards.


Best East Midlands Open Mic Night at the 2015 Midlands Comedy Awards.


 If you would like to have a go at stand-up and would like a spot at one of these nights please contact us via the Get a gig page. Please include any experience you may have, where you are coming from and do you drive.



VENUE: Canalhouse,

VENUE ADDRESS: 48 - 52 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH


DATE: Wednesday 8th November 2023

TIME: 8pm (Doors open 7.40pm)


NCF Comedy Logo-114311.jpg (5)

48-52 Canal Street , Nottingham

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