Chloe Petts – If You Can’t Say Anything Nice


At Canalhouse

Price £14 - £0
Times 19:30 - 20:07

Fresh from her smash hit Edinburgh Fringe run and Soho Theatre sell-out debut, Chloe Petts returns with her follow-up hour. Everyone complimented her on how polite she was with big issues in the last show so now she's cashing in those points and plans on being really rude. Expect routines on Greta Thunberg, the footie and calling you all a bunch of virgins.

A first show that was worth waiting for. ★★★★ The Guardian

Astonishingly assured debut from Petts… You’ll learn things, but you’ll laugh even more. ★★★★ Metro

One of the most accomplished Fringe debuts ever. ★★★★ Evening Standard

 Suitable for 14+

VENUE: Canalhouse,

VENUE ADDRESS: 48 - 52 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH

DATE: Wednesday 21st February 2024

TIME: 7.30pm (Doors open 7pm)


Chloe Petts-114311.jpeg

48-52 Canal Street , Nottingham

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