Ncf Comedy Presents: Tom Glover - Did You Watch That Reel I Sent You?


At Canalhouse

Price £15
Times 19:30 - 20:30

The UK's most unlikely TikTok sensation, Tom Glover, embarks on his first national tour for 2025. A live stand up show from the man who's online reels have reached millions of people worldwide. Featuring hilarious tales of marriage, parenting and growing up in the 90s. If you're at an age where coming to this show is an admin nightmare of babysitters, bedtimes and designated drivers then this is probably the show for you.


Suitable for ages: 16 

VENUE: Canalhouse,
VENUE ADDRESS: 48 - 52 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH
DATE: Thursday 19th June 
TIME: 7.30pm (Doors open 7pm)


48-52 Canal Street , Nottingham

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