Beeston Tales - Kassandra


At Church hall, The Church of the Assumption

Price £6.5 - £8
Times 19:30

Beeston Tales is a monthly storytelling night meeting just outside Nottingham. We host our events at Our Lady of the Assumption church hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AE Parking at the venue. Short walk from a tram stop. Cake and drinks will be available, feel free to bring your own booze! But you can also watch from the comfort of your own home by joining our (still a bit experimental) livestream via Zoom. You'll have to bring your own booze to that as well though.

There is a hypnotic feel to the tales: you’re back round that prehistoric campfire again, rapt. – Matt Turpin, LeftLion. (Read full review.)

Let yourself be transported to worlds that are otherwise unreachable. – Bryony Ashmore, Nottingham City of Literature. (Read full review.)

Gobbed on by a god

Blessed with the power to see the future

Cursed with never being believed

Meet Kassandra…



Following a path less trodden, Lucy Lill rakes through the ashes of a fallen city to find the story of those who knew exactly what was coming, but did nothing about it. Lill is a storyteller and performer based in London. She has told stories in museums, theatres, festivals, schools, and fields up and down the country for organisations like the Crick Crack Club, Kew Gardens, The Wellcome Collection, Half Moon Children’s Theatre, Beyond the Border and many others. She co-produces events with Alys Torrance as Story Jam and is an associate lecturer at Central Saint Martins.

‘Delightful and charismatic’ - Time Out

Also featuring tales from your hosts, music, fun and frolics.


On the door: £8 on the door on the night, attending live.

£6.50 in advance, attending live. On sale here, but only until the morning of the gig. (If you are looking for this ticket option and can't find it, and it is the afternoon of the day of the performance, you're too late! Come along anyway, tickets on the door as described above.)

Doors 19:00 for a 19:30 start.

VENUE! We'll be meeting in the Church Hall, 25 Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AE, a short walk up from Beeston Tram Stop or down from Beeston Library. Parking available at the venue.

CAFE! - The Dog & Bean will be serving tea, coffee and home baked treats. Bring Your Own Bottle if you fancy something stronger.

DAY OF THE MONTH - Our new hosts couldn't squeeze us in on our old date of second Wednesday of the Month. From here on out, we'll be looking at 3rd Wednesday.


If you're unable to join us in person, there's now an option for you to watch along from home. However, we're upfront that mobile reception at the venue is bad. (Our current set up involves three different mobile devices on separate networks, but even then we can not guarantee clear, reliable signal.) This is reflected in our reduced ticket prices for the online offering. Two kinds of tickets are available for online viewing, either select "Attend online - paying" which will set you back £5 per device, and an "Attend online - discount"... which is free. We know times are harder for some people than others right now, and we'd much rather have you with us than not.

So do come and join us. When you purchase the online ticket, you'll be sent the link. We'll fire out an email on the night of the performance as well, just to make sure you don't miss it. Please don't share these links around. The event will be brought to you by Zoom - It's not tricky. You'll want to download it in advance, which you can do by clicking the link to join ahead of the event.

Big thanks to Caron from PCM Creatives for making this livestream possible. Please note, your receipt will also contain Caron's contact details in case you have any trouble on the night.

Beeston Tales is a not-for-profit community organisation, with all proceeds from events going to support traditional storytelling in Beeston and the surrounding area.


25 Foster Ave, Beeston, Notts

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