Beeston Tales - the Secret Commonwealth


At Church hall, The Church of the Assumption

Price £6.5 - £8
Times 19:30 - 22:00

A hybrid event - in-person and livestreamed - details below:

In 1691 Reverend Robert Kirk, Minister of the Parish of Aberfoyle, dipped a quill-pen into ink and began to write. As the seventh son of his family he was blessed with the second sight. It wasn't just his human parishioners that concerned him - Robert Kirk had spent many years touring the low-country, meeting, studying and spending time with the Other Crowd. The Good People. The Fairies. With his book, he wanted to offer up incontrovertible proof of their existence, bringing them to the attention of the wider world and scientific community, and opening up healthy, happy relations between them and the human realm.

But the Fair Folk are proud and secretive, fiercely protective of their ways. Their ears pricked up when they heard Kirk's quill scratching on the page. His manuscript was never finished.

Or was it? Join Tim Ralphs on a tour of stories from all over the British Isles that explore the strange relationship between the Us and Them. Often dark, twisted, and superbly strange, Tim asks what it means that we have fallen out of relationship with our nearest neighbours. He invites you, for one night, to Believe in Fairies.

With music, guest tellers, fun and frolics.

IN-PERSON TICKETS £8 on the door or £6.50 in advance from

Doors 19:00 for a 19:30 start.

VENUE! We'll be meeting in the Church Hall, 25 Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AE, a short walk up from Beeston Tram Stop or across from Beeston Library. Parking available at the venue.

CAFE! - There will be tea, coffee and home baked treats. Bring Your Own Bottle if you fancy something stronger.

LIVESTREAM: If you're unable to join us in person, there's now an option for you to watch along from home. Now with improved audio, but still a discounted price while we experiment with our kit.

For more details:

Beeston Tales is a not-for-profit community organisation, with all proceeds from events going to support traditional storytelling in Beeston and the surrounding area.


25 Foster Ave, Beeston, Notts

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