Creative Wellbeing for Menopause Workshop| Positive Affirmations with Clay Play


At Debbie Bryan | Nottingham Lace Market

Price £38 - £0
Times 17:30 - 19:30

This is the first session of our collaborative Creative Wellbeing for Menopause workshop program led by established artist and experienced art psychotherapist, Sue Bulmer.

During this workshop, with Sue, you will think about the kind of positive messages creating affirmation cards or a poster using a variety of creative techniques such as collage, embellishments and mark making.

During your workshop you will also spend time with the Debbie Bryan team to make a clay plaque, decorated with embellishment, words and/or pattern to compliment your affirmations.

All materials of provided, although your are welcome to bring your own.


What’s provided for your Creative Wellbeing for Menopause Workshop:

  • Mixed media materials
  • Air-dry clay
  • Clay equipment
  • Embossing tools


18 St. Mary's Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham
Nottingham , NG1 1PF

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